Dawn Patrol in Peru

November last year. Hosted by “Single Fin. Surf Travel” we made a trip to Peru to surf one of the most extraordinary waves in the world. A group of single fin longboard riders had some of the longest rides of their lives. This epic experience was captured on video by Marnix van Oudeheusden, a talented and professional video producer by KLCK. Of course we tracked our surf with the Dawn Patrol surf tracking app.

View the after movie of our unforgettable trip to Peru

Beside fantastic surf and great Peruvian Ceviche, we’ve done a beach clean-up together with kids from the local community. The children filled over 20 bags of garbage, mostly plastic. It may only be a whisper in a thunderstorm, it was a good feeling to share our love for the ocean with the kids and education may be key to resolve our global plastic problems.

Proud faces after our beach clean-up! Thanks guys for being awesome

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