Design your Surf Watch Face
The Dawn Patrol Watch Faces give you a full surf forecast on your wrist. You can also design your own Watch Face. Use our wide range of Complications to create your personalized surf watch, customized to your needs depending on how, when and where your spot is.
Transform your Apple watch
What is a complication? On a traditional watch face a complication is any function other than the display of the time. Dawn Patrol watch faces have a lot of complications.. but the good kind. The kind of complications that tell you the perfect time to paddle out and help you time your surf.
5 Wind complications
Our wind complications show the current wind speeds and directions, and short term wind forecasts up to 12 hours from the present moment. Wind speeds can be shown as mph, km/h or knots.
Current water temperature
Can be show in Celcius or Fahrenheit.
Tide dial
Shows the current tide height and the time of the next tide extreme. The current tidal position is displayed like a clock, the middle section shows the next upcoming tide. High tide is turquoise like the ocean, low tide is orange like the sand.
Swell size
Can be shown in feet or meters.
Current water level
Complication explains current water level, direction of the tide, and how the water level may change. The colour of the water in the complication changes as the tide progresses.
First and Last Light
For the true Dawn Patroller we have created the ultimate complication to make sure you never miss a Dawny. "The early bird gets the worm". But don't worry if you love a sunset surf, we've got you covered.
Tidal chart
Shows the current water level height and spot name. The chart shows today’s tide forecast, current tide and the times of the upcoming extremes.
Tide and Swell chart
The chart shows the current tile level and tide forecast for the next 18 hours of a chosen spot. It also shows the 2 next upcoming tides, the swell direction, swell size, and swell period.
Upcoming tide extremes
Complications counts down to the next upcoming tide extreme and shows second next upcoming tide extreme. Can be configured to show water level in meters or feet.
Swell size, direction & period
Swell size can be showsn in feet or meters. Swell direction (N/S/E/W) and period, shown in seconds.

Which face suits you?
Our Watch Faces are available for Apple Watches Series 4 and above.

Infograph Modular
Wind forecast
Swell Size
Swell Direction
Swell Period
Current tide
Upcoming tide times
Water level
Water Temperature